Tomatoes are a significant source of umami flavor.The tomato is consumed in diverse ways, raw or cooked, in many dishes, sauces, salads, and drinks. While tomatoes are fruits—botanically classified as berries—they are commonly used as a vegetable ingredient or side dish. Tomato plants typically grow to 1–3 meters (3–10 ft) in height. They are vines that have a weak stem that sprawls and typically needs support. Indeterminate tomato plants are perennials in their native habitat, but are cultivated as annuals. Determinate, or bush, plants are annuals that stop growing at a certain height and produce a crop all at once. The size of the tomato varies according to the cultivar, with a range of 0.5–4 inches (1.3–10.2 cm) in width.
A. SOIL PREPARATION Put ample amount of soil to your chosen pot. Don’t forget to leave about a quarter of an inch or so of empty space in between the surface of the soil and rim of the pot to ensure proper growth. Press the mixture slightly to eliminate stubborn air pockets. Drench the mixture with water so it’s ready to provide the right environment for seeds to germinate.
B. SOW. Drop at least 5 seeds into the pot. Cover them lightly with some soil at least 2-3mm deep or just cover the seeds with the thickness not exceeding its diameter. Water the pot very lightly to ensure good seed–to-mix contact.
C. SEAL & NURTURE. Leaving the pot completely open will allow too much heat as well as allowing moisture to escape, this may cause fewer germination or no germination at all. To prevent this, look for a clear plastic kitchen wrap and spray it with some water. Be sure that the moist side of the plastic will sit above the soil. Go ahead and and secure the plastic (moist side inside) with a rubber band, acting as the pot’s lid. This will help to retain the moisture that the seeds need to germinate properly. Twice daily, remove the wrap and sprinkle the pot with some water especially when it’s hot.