Clear Out

Add one-half the required amount of water to the mixing or spray tank. Add the required amount of CLEAROUT 41 PLUS and mix well before adding the remaining portion of water. For knapsack sprayers, it is suggested to mix the solution in a separate container and then fill the knapsack spray with the mixed solution.

Price: ₱500.00


Early dry season low volume spraying (LVS) of CLEAROUT 41 PLUS applied at 200 to 400 liters of water per hectare provides best results. When sprayed uniformity on tall, dense follage of cogon on shorter species such as mutha, CLEAROUT 41 PLUS provides a minimum of 7 months weed control.



For enhanced control against various weeds including cogon, dissolve and add 1% crystalline ammonium sulfate (AMS) to the spray solution. For best results, follow with touch-up application or physical misses at 30 days after initial treatment with 1 liter CLEAROUT 41 PLUS mixed with 1.5 to 2.0 kg spray twice – i.e.20-25 days after planting, then at 40-45 days after planting – at half and above rate per application timing. Use the higher recommended rate when weed population is high and height exceeds beyond knee high.

For mixed weeds situation, spray 1% solution (2 liters CLEAROUT 41 PLUS mixed with 2 kg AMS per 200 liters of water) evenly on the weeds. To control weeds around sensitive plants (e.x. Coffee, cacao, citrus, mango, banana, sugarcane and vegetables) use a wiper to apply 3.30% aqueous solution of CLEAROUT 41 PLUS. Blanket spray before planting vegetables, corn, rubber, oil palm, coconut, mango, pineapple, coffee, cacao, citrus, banana and other perennial tree crops. Minium or reduced tillage systems for sugarcane, rice, corn and other cereals and vegetable crops. Blanket spraying, spot spraying, strip spraying, or application with wiper around young and mature rubber, oil palm, coffee, cacao, sugarcane, mango, citrus, coconut and banana.

Reforestation areas, subdivision lots, drainage ditches, irrigation canals, rice levees, around fish pons, along field boundaries and road ditches, fence rows, railroad tracks, around buildings, golf courses and memorial parks.